Sunday, January 24, 2010

Whim Passion Whim Passion Whimpassion (title is partially unrelated)

I need to reorder my life. For too long has my life been governed by whim instead of passion. Yes I can be passionate about many different concerns and whatnot(On a side note my internet at the moment is soo slow that dying by strangulation is considerably faster compared to loading a page). However, I realize these passions rapidly turns to dust as soon as I am distracted by some other interest (otherwise it is Laziness that champions the cause).

Maybe dust is too strong a word to use in this context. These newly conceived ideas remains in the form of an obscure dream cloud merrily orbiting my head and sadly, dispersing when the wind of thought breezes through. Thus, they become categorized as whims otherwise known in flowery terms as flights of fancy for darling Nancy.

Truly, these collection of whims serves as a deterrent in the nurturing of any newly realized passions. As men (politically correct: people) are usually influenced by the sum of their experiences, the reflection of their past serves as a reminder of how easily they have permitted their most ardent passions to degenerate into whimsical whims. For the multitudes cursed with a weak faculty, it is in this moment that the seed of doubt is planted, watered by the rain of uncertainty and sunned by the ray of indecisiveness. Blooming, this tree becomes the building blocks for the bridge of hopelessness as individuals, doubting their resolve to follow through, rush for the perceived short-cut. And thusly, they wind up crossing the aforementioned bridge and wandering through life repeating this sorrowful spectacle again and again.

These pitiable individuals live within everyone of us. People who despite possessing great intellectual capacity, are seduced by voluptuous Laziness. And it is Laziness who does her part in encouraging us to allow our budding passions to dematerialize into whims, which are then forgotten; like dust in the wind.

I hope you are not feeling as depressed, reading it as I am now writing it. Thinking back, I am filled with regrets for all the times I did not follow through. Then again if I am to unearth all my regrets, Mount Everest would have met its match. Life is just too short for me to sit around wallowing in the guilt associated with all my failures. I am still uncertain if Reflect and Repress is the way to go. However, I do know that it is no use swimming in regrets, because sooner or later you are going to drown. Therefore, I will let all the regrets go (including the regret of spending too much time writing this post), and start reordering my life the way I want it to be.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sleepless In The Night

I'm soo frustrated because last night sleep was denied me. Somehow, my mind just refused to shut down and I ended up wasting two hours admiring three fine cracks in my room's ceiling. Disgusted with the two hours spent in this mindless manner, I decided to waste the next 3 hours watching the reality series Key to the VIP and the following 3 hours reading Magician: Master by Raymond E. Feist. And what have i learnt?

1.) Cracks make an otherwise dull white ceiling bearable to stare at for 2 hours.
2.) Older ladies are easy to pick up because they are desperate.
3.) I never tire of reading the same book over and over and over and over again.

Truly 8 hours well spent in constructive learning. Because of the last 8 hours I am now more confident when it comes to admiring ceilings, hitting on women old enough to be my mother and burying myself in a world of fantasy. Haha and one more thing, I just realized I have the tendency to be bitter.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 - 2013 Resolution and Objectives

The year 2010

2010, the year I turn 22. Age is just a number, or so many ladies in their late thirties would like you to think. I am disinclined to agree with this expression as it means sooo much more than a tally of the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds spent on this revolving lump of dirt. 22 signifies 22 years spent collecting experience and knowledge (and maybe prejudices as well). Furthermore age serves as a countdown of how many more years are left for us to achieve our dreams. The big twenty-two! Yes you read right, TWENTY-TWO. I do not really consider 21 as a turning point in my life as at that age I am still diddling and dawdling through life. You would have thought that after previous crisisses (namely visa and college) I would have matured a little and had the decency to focus on the more important things in life (eg education, job, personal health, my relationships). All in all, as of this moment, I feel as if I have not made the best of these precious years alloted to me. Therefore I would now like to make my 2010 resolution and set a list of easily achievable objectives to be completed by the end of 2013.


I will do everything humanely possible to set my feet back on the diamond studded path I once trod. God give me the strength to control everything that can be controlled and help me control the things that I can't.

By 2013 I will have:

1.) Completed my degree in Finance and Economics.
2.) Learnt enough of Mandarin to speak the language fluently.
3.) Gotten a job in a progressive firm.
4.) Traveled to Japan without being accompanied by my parents.
5.) Developed a beautifully sculptured body.
6.) Acquired enough knowledge to converse with people of different cultural background on topics wide and varied.
7.) Taken scuba diving lessons.
8.) Earned 100,000 Australian Dollars.
9.) Finished a personally dictated triathlon involving wide water rafting, bungee jumping and sky diving.
10.) Done a complete, personal research on a subject of my choosing.

There we go, the goals to be achieved by 2013. Three whole years to complete these ten simple tasks. I will not be swayed or discouraged by anyone or anything in this matter.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Money The Greatest Religion?

I would like to firstly say that this post contradicts the person that I am. For starters, I am a Buddhist. In times of worry and stress I do turn to my deities and prayers for help and also for peace of mind. However I do tend to take a more open view about religion. I do not deny that miracles can happen and that prayers can sometimes be answered. Nevertheless I would like to ask you to read what I am about to write and digest it in the most logical manner possible.

I am sure we all agree that all prayers are not answered and that if you want everything in life religion is not the way to go (Unless of course you are seeking satisfaction in the life you are living). However, lets broaden the definition of religion shall we. Instead of the everyday Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity, lets include Money into the mix.

Now my fellow converts (sorry bad joke), if you believe in Money you know that it will never fail you.

For Material Wealth
If you want a new car, Money can get it for you.
If you want a house, Money will get it for you.
If you want a new computer, Money will get it for you.

For Intellectual Wealth
If you want to increase your knowledge, Money will buy you books.
If you want a good education, Money can get it for you. (Yes people even Harvard. Just use Money to buy them expensive facilities, library, tennis court, new campus etc etc just for an admission)
If you want to experience new cultures, Money will make sure you can travel the world and see new and previously unimaginable things.

For Emotional Wealth
Money will allow you to sleep easy at night instead of worrying about earning the next buck to pay your bills.
Money will buy you all the luxuries you could ever want so you will never have to pine for anything.
Money will get you all the envious stares you need to feel confident in yourself (Only applies to people with low self esteem)

If I had forever and an inclination to type out a million and one things Money can get you I would continue with this list. However I hope I have gotten my point through.

There are things however, that money cannot get you. Top in this list is eternal life. Others include a faithful partner/s, true friends and eternal health. But!!!
With Money, you can buy healthy food (organic/pesticide free), buy good exercise equipment heck a whole gym, allow you the time to actually keep fit instead of running around chasing the dollar and Taaa Daaa you have your health for as long as your body does not fail you.

Well I do not want to hit a wrong nerve with any of you readers so i suggest that you take all I have said and am about to say with a pinch of salt and also a dash of pepper and lots and lots of cinnamon.

Lets consider 'working' as a form of worship in this newly established religion of Money. You would realize that the more you pray the more Money you earn and you are therefore better off than the people who pray less. See! it works! The more time you spend worshiping, the better off you are.

I realize that this religion can sometimes be a fickle bitch, most of the time rewarding people who do less strenuous work (office worker) more, compared to people who work a tiring job (construction laborer). And even bankrupting some worshipers mainly involved with the stock market. Despite these discrepancies the general rule still applies. You reap what you sow. Therefore, if you sow more, you will be able to reap more.

It is with this logical assertions that I conclude Money is the greatest religion of all (although requiring more effort). I do not claim that Money can get you everything but it can definitely get you most things. However ask yourself this, can any religion get you everything?

Note: This article is not written in an effort to anger otherwise sensitive people or to debase any other religion. Like I have said before I am a Buddhist and I will continue being a Buddhist the rest of my life.Regardless, I hope this has served to open your mind to new horizons.

Birth of a new blog

Being totally incompetent when it comes to blogging, I nevertheless will try my best to keep you readers entertained with tall tales and white lies. Haha just joking I don't really know what i intend to put into my blog (maybe I have a small glimmer of an idea) but I hope you will all enjoy it as I will be using this site as my personal ranting and raving space as well as an online journal of the most memorable events in my life. Having said a meager five lines, I present to you Echo In The Night.